Strategic Alliances and Trail of Broken Treaties 1700-1799


French and Indian War ends; Britain claims Native lands

Royal Proclamation of 1763. Image: King George III, Library and Archives Canada
Royal Proclamation of 1763. Image: King George III, Library and Archives Canada

England and France end the French and Indian War (also called the Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763) with the Treaty of Paris, and France cedes land claims east of the Mississippi to Britain. Subsequently, King George III issues the Indian Proclamation Line of 1763, forbidding colonists from settling west of the middle of the Appalachian Mountains. But English settlers ignore this line, expanding west and inciting conflicts with Native peoples over land in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, and other western regions (Native Voices, "1763: Treaty of Paris ends war; Britain claims Native lands"; Native Voices, "1763: Indian Proclamation Line ignored; settlers move west").

Settler Colonial Policy